Crowdemand puts shoppers in the drivers seat

Have you ever wished you could have a say on your favorite designers’ collection?

Well now you can!

A friend of mine, launched Crowdemand early last week and I hope it redefines e-commerce.  Crowdemand puts consumers front and center of the design decision making process. It puts shoppers in the drivers seat by letting them vote on and purchase limited edition garments by their favorite designers.

I love the concept of enabling consumers to decide which designs should go into production, eliminating the financial gamble that comes with mass production. It’s a move towards sustainable slow fashion production processes. Items purchased which make it to production will deliver between 8 to 12 weeks at the shoppers delivery address. Now, it will be interesting to see whether or not shoppers will be willing to wait this long for a piece. I believe they will. Purchasing behaviors are changing and consumers would rather wait for a garment they contributed to.


I hope this new form of e-commerce will help redefine how consumers shop online.

Regardless, I urge you to go check it out. Currently the platform only features Women’s Apparel featuring designers like WHIT, Cynthia Rowley and Meskita.

Get in fast, Summer is right around the corner!Crowdemand


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