Heyday Footwear: CASE STUDY on Social Commerce
This week I wanted to feature a fashion brand who gets social media like no other – Heyday Footwear.
I met Darin, Heyday’s founder, at Magic last year through a common friend. He came to share his business story at the Amex Open Experiential booth I was working at. We‘ve been friends ever since.
From our first meeting, I had the sense that Darin understood social media. He was already active, posting weekly content and about to include e-commerce into his website. Heyday does not have the marketing budget it’s competitors have, yet one customer at a time by using Social Media in creative ways, it’s making its mark in the industry.
Here are some of Heyday’s “Internet Fame” secrets:
#1 The power of Social Commerce, use Social Media to convert to sales
Recently, HeyDay Footwear transformed their Facebook Fan Page to an e-commerce page:
The Facebook fan page not only enables their fan to purchase their sneakers but they can also post comment.
Only a few retailers are using this e-commerce capability which is a shame considering the average user spends 30minutes daily on Facebook. Additionally, the following app can easily be built and doesn’t require complex e-commerce app since it’s hooking back to an already established paypal or e-commerce site.
#2 Reward your brand ambassadors
All major footwear fashion brands usually reward their influencers by gifting them with exclusive kicks and so on.
If you are a smaller brand and don’t have that access, how can you leverage that concept in the digital realm?
You could always use Klout, a social media analytics tool that calculates how influential a twitter handle is. So now Joe from Kentucky who is a brand ambassador in his community can have his chance to participate.
Heyday in a partnership with Klout sent tweets to 300 of their key influencers. The first 75 to opt in on the landing page and who will be attending Klout Krib Heyday party at SXSW will get (free limited edition Heyday xKlout Super Shifts). Those after will have a 10% promo code.
Why this works?
1 – encourage brand engagements by giving your customer an incentive for participation
2 – for it’s viral component: promotions always get re-tweeted and create buzz
Innovation and not being afraid to use the latest technology out there is key. It will make your company cut through the clutter. Research what is out there, understand your demographic and engage your audience.
If the marketing campaign is effective, they will get the message out there.