VD45: 3 Live Streaming Ideas to Grow Your Fanbase | Meerkat vs Periscope
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Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reading about live video streaming. There’s so much speculation about the differences between Meerkat versus Periscope, and which is predicted to show better results in the long-run. Both of these platforms have the same functionality and, in my mind, are great tools for small business owners and bloggers, like yourself, to engage and grow with your audience without having to create time-consuming content. With just the click of a button, you can live tweet with your followers and share exclusive, behind-the-scenes content!
There’s so much room for growth with live streaming, so you should play around with it. And I know, you’re probably already overwhelmed with all these forms of social media! However, live streaming is where social media is headed, and so many companies, like Starbucks, DKNY, and Spotify, are already jumping on the bandwagon. It’s so important that you get to make a name yourself, too! As an entrepreneur and business / start-up owner, I’m sure you’re incredibly charismatic with a good sense of humor, so share it with the world!
Here are 3 live video streaming ideas you can try today to grow and engage your fan base:
Pick controversial topics, invite experts with opposite viewpoints to share their views, get your audience to participate, and voila! Hosting a debate show will get people interested and engaged, plus, you’ll get additional traffic from your guest. It’s a great way to be a part of the community, and with live streaming, it makes hosting a debate so much easier to manage!
Unboxing is already huge on Youtube: people LOVE to watch videos of products they’re about to purchase. I’m even guilty of this! Why not leverage this already existing concept and make it into a live stream show to share your latest collection and unbox a cool product you are excited about? People love to have a first glimpse of whatever it is you are currently working on. What’s even better is you’ll get immediate, live feedback from your audience to get a feel of what they like and dislike.
Simply assign a date and time and tell your audience that you will answer their questions. Make sure it’s a reoccurring date and time so your followers know when to log on to participate. Give opportunities to have your audience ask you questions you can answer, all through a live stream show! Periscope and Meerkat enable you to censor people who are being disrespectful; we don’t want any of that.
Now, don’t be shy! Test the waters out and if you’re interested in learning more about Periscope, check out this tutorial by fellow Youtuber, Sunny Lenarduzzi, and see for yourself just how simple it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D7qmseGz6o
I would love to hear how Meerkat or Periscope are working for you, so make sure to follow me on Periscope @MissLunaVega! Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe as I provide business tips every Wednesday!