Kickstarter #101 – A few tips for a successful fund raising campaign
For a while Kickstarters have been the talk of the town. Between Kickstarter, Indie Gogo, and a few other online fund raising sites, there’s definitely a huge variety to choose from.
Kickstarters are a great way to get some initial funds for a project, but let’s face it, you really need to get your project out there for it to successfully reach its goal.
Here are a few tips to using Kickstarters the right way:
1. Think about the nature of your project – Will it get people exited? What are you doing in return? If you plan on asking for funds for a new song or album you plan on writing, what will be the outcome once you finish the project? Your direct peers might have more of a vested interest in your project because they care about you, but people who randomly stumble upon a dozen Kickstarter requests a day might not be as interested about your upcoming project. Make sure you think about what your project really encompasses before you decide to launch it.
2. Be sure to advertise well – Make sure you make it sound like a promising and interesting project when you begin to advertise it. That way anyone who’s really interested in innovative and experimental projects will feel more compelled to help you raise the funds.
3. Think of a charity to give back to – Let’s face it, people are more willing to donate when they know it’s for a good cause. I think part of asking people for money also involves some kind citizenship or altruistic behavior. It’s the old rule of when someone helps me now I’m going to give back. You don’t have to abide by this tip, but it’s a rule of thumb I’ve always stuck by.
4. Proper Promotion – Once your fund raising project is launched now you need to start promoting it. Think of blogs, media outlets, and even local media outlets that could help you get the word out. Social Media can also be a huge facet in spreading the word on your new project. Just be careful that your promotion doesn’t come across as excessive spam. A good way to grab people’s attention is to make it a contest and ask for their kind help and a referral. Remember every dollar counts, and if you have a good story the word will spread.
5. Make sure you have some concrete examples of what you plan on raising money for – A solid example always helps people understand what goals you’re trying to accomplish. You need to make sure you can commit to the goal and seeing a little intro and explanation will definitely keep people interested.