EP#26: Smoothly expand your e-commerce business internationally – Brooke Anderson
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As an e-commerce business, you are all but too familiar with the growing pains of expanding your business internationally. Fulfillment and shipping can get a little overwhelming at times, especially around the Holidays. So how can you secure a seamless check-out experience for your customers? How can you guarantee to deliver your products in a timely manner?
The first step include adding a CRM and inventory management softwares within your e-commerce site. Once your business grows, an ERP tool can help manage various warehouses to identify whether or not your items are in stock.
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In today’s episode, Brooke Anderson, Managing Director at Symphony, will share international expansion best practices. He will explain the benefits of cloud-based e-commerce platforms and ERP Integrations.
Brooke started working in the e-commerce industry fifteen years ago after developing an online marketing material ordering system for McDonalds. The software got the attention of Horleys, a sports nutrition company, who asked for integration of Sage ERP. Brooke and his partner realized enterprise e-commerce development could be a great niche to embark on and have been in business for ten years now.
Listen to this podcast to learn how to expand your business internationally:
– How to avoid making costly mistakes with your business
– How to choose an e-commerce platform that is flexible for growth
– What is ERP?
– At what stage should you switch to ERP? W
– Pingdom
– Google Ad Words
– Google Analytics
– XMSymphony