Television and the Interactive Realm of Social Media

Every aspect of our lives have completely merged with Social Media, including the entertainment we take in and how we interact with it.  Out of all the mediums television has definitely seen the most seamless integration with a huge a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and tons of different websites that solely focus on fan participation.  […]

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Social Media in Asia 101

For the last few weeks I’ve been working on a project in Asia and during my travels I’ve learned a few interesting things about the Social Media landscape in Asia.  For starters, the Social Media consumption in Asia is greater in some markets than it is in the US.  Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Taiwan, […]

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Is Repurposing Culture Really Accomplishing Anything New?

Drake looking all super warm and cozy The Internet and especially new web culture have completely ushered in a new era of cultural reinterpretation and repurposing.  A large part of the underground artistic movements that are occurring online are sourced from previously existing culture.  The idea of sampling or remixing has become so commonplace for […]

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